

I received my Bachelor's Degree in Film Studies in 2005. Since then, I have contributed to promotional videos for Sega, Nexon, Pokerstars, Intergi Entertainment, and two productions for a PBS affiliate. I covered the largest gaming events in the US, including E3 and PAX, and typically as a crew of one; shooting, audio, editing, capturing footage of gameplay, and more often than not, hosting.

I have used a wide-range of prosumer/professional camcorders, such as a Panasonic AG-HMC40 and Canon XHA1, and I recently started shooting on a Panasonic GH2. I typically edit with Sony Vegas, although I have used Final Cut and Adobe Premiere. I can make basic intros and special-effects with Adobe After Effects, and I am always pushing myself to improve.

Selected samples:
*please watch in HD*

Diane Mueller Bodybuilder Promo

Acoca Coffee Spec Ad
When I decided to bolster my portfolio with non-gaming material, it was only natural that I turn to my other main love; coffee. Music: Smile by D-Warrior.

Zombies Versus Walker
On April 2, 2011, zombies descended upon the capitol in Madison, WI to protest recently approved legislation. Shot and edited by me. Original music by Matt & Kim.

FanSpeak at PAX episode 2
Raychul Moore and I were tired of listening to recycled PR speeches. PAX is an event for the fans, a celebration of gaming, so we decided it was time to get their opinions.

Death in Limbo - Game Music Video
Using captured gameplay footage, this project began as a simple montage of deaths, but I felt our nameless protagonist deserved more for his perseverance.

Nexon at E3 2010, internal promo video
This certainly was an interesting one. I was asked on short notice to create a video from Nexon's after-party, with no information about the location or what to expect. Security prohibited me from using my lights and my gear was doused with more than a few drinks. All things considered, it came out fairly well.

Blur Review
Captured footage, narrated, and edited.

Interview with Marc Laimon
Shot, hosted, and edited by me from a preview event for UFC Undisputed 2010.

Preview of Transformers: War for Cybertron
Shot, hosted, and edited by me from a preview event. Music by ProBangers. My favorite interview.

GameZone Contest Video
I had 90 minutes (don't you love surprises?) to plan, shoot, and edit this promotional piece for a contest.

Guide for No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
Shot live footage, captured gameplay footage, narrated, and edited.

Review of Beat Hazard
Captured gameplay footage, narrated, and edited.